Sleeping Woes

Sleep is very elusive for many people - they can’t fall asleep, their sleep is disrupted, they wake up and can’t fall back to sleep. When they finally wake up, they do not feel rested and are tired all day. Frustrating to say the least.

On the other hand, some people are able to sleep anywhere, at any time, and wake up refreshed. I am hoping to be in this camp one day.

I am featuring information, all related to sleep and how increase your sleep, based on small, easy changes anyone can make and commit to. Matthew Walker has a book, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams, that is an easy read and really dives into the power of sleep. That being said - he has (recently) admitted since writing the book (in 2018) that he feels some of his insights are too rigid and that he would now add room for greater diversity within sleep habits - he goes into this in one of the podcast below.

Below are some experts on the subject. As you can tell from my list, I am a HUGE fan of Andrew Huberman. I first learned about Huberman from hearing Rich Roll, another podcaster, feature him on his show and loved the way he took a complex subject (how to change your brain) and translate the science so I could understand what he was talking about. His goal is to bring science to the general population at no cost. I highly recommend subscribing to his podcast. Happy listening.

  1. Andrew Huberman and Samer Hattar talk about circadian rhythms and the importance of light in your day - Dr. Samer Hattar: Timing Light, Food, & Exercise for Better Sleep, Energy & Mood | Huberman Lab #43

  2. Andrew Huberman and Matt Walker talk about the role of sleep in your life - Dr. Matthew Walker: The Science & Practice of Perfecting Your Sleep | Huberman Lab Podcast #31

  3. Andrew Huberman - All about Sleep: Master Your Sleep & Be More Alert When Awake | Huberman Lab Podcast #2

  4. Andrew Huberman - Toolkit for Sleep (text/bullet points)

  5. Dr. Chatterjee and Matt Walker - Why Sleep is the Most Important Pillar of Health with Professor Matthew Walker


Wait - I thought Vegans were plant based eaters??


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