
Coaching Services

Focus with Fern's approach to whole person integrative health coaching was perfect for me because it was not just one aspect of my health that was in deficit, I was deficient in multiple areas. Together we created a plan on where to start. I began to see improvements in my health and mental well being within the first month and now, several months later, the changes are amazing! I feel so much better - happier and healthier than I have in years!


Integrative Health Coaching is not just about your physical well-being, it is also about you as a whole person: your values, goals, work, balance, fulfillment and life purpose. Through the coaching process, clients typically reach their goals, improve their performance and enhance their quality of life. I use reporting, exploring and a consistent commitment to action to move clients forward. This proactive working relationship will accelerate your progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice.

I provide Health and Wellness Coaching services which consist of sessions ranging in length from 30 to 45 minutes. These sessions last for 3 to 6 months (and beyond), depending on the package you choose. At this time, all of the sessions are on Zoom.

I recommend a commitment of at least 3 months to receive the full impact of Health and Wellness Coaching. Why three months? It takes time to make new neural pathways in the brain, and you need time to make those pathways, as well as deepen the pathway’s groove. Eventually those new grooves become the behavior you initially struggled to implement. Eventually, that groove is what makes your new habit consistent and reliable. Consider the difference between a rut and a groove.

Think back to your past and try to remember a habit that you consciously formed - did it happen in a week? A month? A good example is New Year’s resolutions - typically people have a successful few weeks, then slowly start to fall short of their goal, get frustrated, then entirely give up. My role is to remind you to not give up and that a step backwards is often a learning opportunity, not a reason to lose your vision and ultimately, your goals. Together we will identify those barriers and decide on solutions so they are no longer derailing your progress.

What is Health and Wellness Coaching?

Health and Wellness Coaching is about forming a partnership with you, the client, and letting you decide if you are ready to change. Once you have decided that you are ready to make changes, together we explore a focus that will start a journey to your optimal health goals.

Health and Wellness Coaching focuses on behavioral changes and neuroscience to help you achieve your goals. A Health and Wellness Coach will not tell you what to change, but will ask you what you are ready to change and why.

What is behavior change? A behavior change occurs when you alter the way you act and react to specific circumstances, which affects how you function as a whole.

What are the benefits of Coaching?

Health and Wellness Coaching help you define what you are ready to change about yourself and your habits. By using a coach, you articulate your issues and together, we define a focus, decide on accountability and determine the resources you need to achieve your goals.

Health coaching gives you the space to change as well as the focus you need to prioritize the steps to reach your optimal self. Along the way, you receive the support needed to continue growing, nurturing and moving toward your goals.

What should I expect from a Health and Wellness Coach?

Health Coaches do not advise you what to eat, how to exercise, what supplements to take, how a relationship should be working, what gym to use, what diets “work” etc. Instead, we provide support, accountability and resources, depending on the change you want to make, to assist you.

For example - you are newly diagnosed with diabetes and want to change your diet but have no idea how to start. A nutritionist will help you with what to eat, a Health Coach will help you stick with your plan of when to eat those new foods that you may find unfamiliar. I will help you set goals of where you want to be with your diet in the next 3 to 6 months. A lot of little changes, made every day make for more successful behavioral changes than one or two big changes that last for a few weeks.

Chat with me

Not sure if Health Coaching is the right fit? Let’s schedule a free, quick chat to help you determine if coaching is right for you.

Let’s partner to achieve YOUR vision and YOUR goals.