
What did we do before podcasts? How did we pass the time? How did we pursue easy learning? What did we listen to? For people who exercise, the novel entertainment was a walkman and then the ipod, bringing music to exercisers everywhere. I remember in college, walking to class with my bright yellow Sony walkman, I loved being in that bubble of music. I found it so relaxing and nothing else could quite tune the world out better than a walk outside and music. Preferably Led Zeppelin. With volume way up.

Then podcasts (ipod + broadcasts) came on the scene around 2005. They were available earlier than that but 2005 is when they were featured through Apple as an app that could be downloaded on your iphone, ipod etc. I started listening to podcasts around 2014 - knowing there was a way to listen to podcasts but not quite understanding HOW to listen to them. Then I discovered the Apple app on my phone which had apparently been there all along, I had just failed to notice it. Even in 2014 when I started listening to podcasts, most people were not very familiar with the concept of listening to interviews or shows on-demand. But now, as of this writing, there are over 2 million podcasts - and another 48 million episodes to listen to! So when I feel like I am behind in listening, I really am and I don’t think it is possible to ever catch up.

If you haven’t explored podcasts, I highly recommend finding a podcast app you like and scrolling through the library. The podcasts usually have a description and a consumer rating so you can get an idea of what the podcast is about as well as how people perceive it. There is a podcast out there for everyone - if you can’t find something to listen to with 2 million choices, it may be time to start your own podcast.

Some podcast episodes I have recently enjoyed:

  1. Ear Hustle - Home for me is really a memory. This is a podcast out of San Quentin prison which tells stories of incarcerated people, their lives, their experiences as well as life after prison. This particular episode is about a woman who has been in prison for over 50 years.

  2. Rich Roll - Jud Brewer: Breaking the cycle of worry and fear. This podcast is hosted by Rich Roll, a tri-athlete, who features guests that often tout self-care or experiences that connect them to other people.

  3. Rangan Chattergee, M.D. - Feel Better, Live More with Matt Walker. This podcast is a condensed version of his interview with Matt Walker which explores how proper sleep can benefit your life.

  4. Rangan Chattergee, M.D. - Feel Better, Live More with Lisa Mosconi. Chattergee and Mosconi discuss the links between what we eat, our brain and nourishing our brain for our future health.

  5. Phoebe Judge - This is Love, Something Large and Wild - A wonderful podcast about being vulnerable and brave. This is Love podcasts are just nice stories that leave me happy.

Have a podcast you love? Let me know - I am always on the hunt for new podcasts.


Kettlebells - A love affair

